For this list of the 10 best science fiction books we have chosen «Foundation» a book that gives the «kick gun» to one of the most impressive sagas of this genre. Among the hundreds of books considered for this list, we select a few 'classics' of the genre that have surpassed the category of literary work and their ideas have directly influenced our society, even to describe the future tens of years in advance. The trilogy of the Foundation "is considered by the vast majority of experts as the greatest work of the genre" and the cusp of science fiction literature ", awarded by countless institutions, including the Hugo Award for Best Series of All the times "in 1966.
Soon we will write the second part, with more essential works of Science Fiction, but in the meantime, take a look at this pack of 14 Science Fiction books by independent authors for which you can pay what you want. Unlike other subgenres such as that of epic fantasy (at least the one set in imaginary worlds, not the one with a Middle Age imagined in the style of the arthuric cycle, the novels of cavalry, with sorcery and prodigies), the Science fiction has a long tradition in Spanish literature, although much of it corresponds to products designed exclusively as popular entertainment, good sci fi audiobooks which in the Anglo-Saxon world is known as pulp fiction and in Spanish as «kiosk novels» . Beyond some pioneer, such as Jesús de Aragón (known as "the Spanish Jules Verne", who published more than a dozen mystery and science fiction novels, equally popular between 1924 and 1934), the genre would begin to accumulate titles and authors - many times with Anglo-Saxon pseudonyms, as was the case in other genres of popular novels such as the Western Black Series - through cheap collections such as «The conquest of space», by Editorial Bruguera, «Fighters of space», by Editorial Valenciana .

Maybe one day we will make a list of the 100 best science fiction books, but for now we are content to offer you a selection of five novels. Some of them will be audiobooks of science fiction novels, a new genre among the sales options that comes from the United States but it best scifi fantasy audiobooks seems that a gap is being made in Spanish stores. Many writers (particularly the creator of the genre, Octavia Butler) explore counter-stories and mix science fiction with fantasy to create new imaginary futures, not only for today's black life, but for the lives of everyone.
I will not insist on the absent authors, I think they have already been sufficiently reinvindicated in the previous comments: Heinlein, Silverberg, Simak, Le Guin ... What I do wonder is what is the purpose of the list, choose the best works of the genre select those that could serve the profane reader to start in science top sci fi audiobooks fiction. Choosing the 10 best Science Fiction books is not an easy task, and this list is not intended to highlight the only books of this genre that are worth reading, but they are 10 titles that you cannot miss if you are a good Geek and you like them Futuristic books 100 best NPR science fiction books and novels.
Among all these science fiction books, important sagas stand out as "Memories of Idhún", stories that will catch you from the first to the last page, trilogies such as "The foundations" of Isaac Asimoov that you will not stop reading until the last of his volumes. The science fiction genre goes a long way: the world is full of novels, stories, series and films on the subject, and this is mainly due to the vastness of topics we could talk about. His first joint work appeared in January 1958, in the magazine Téjnika-Molodiozhi (Technique for Youth, Техника-Молодежи) - an outstanding magazine of popular science and literature that is still being published today in Russia-, it is the novel From the outside "(Извне), divided into three stories and which raises some of the recurring themes of the two authors, such as contact with other intelligent beings, although in this case, in a different way, more optimistic than as presented in the rest Of his works.
Hotel in the Dead Mountaineer "(Отель у Погибшего Альпиниста", 1970), a detective and science fiction novel, A thousand million years before the end of the world "(За миллиард лет до конца света second March, Second invasion 1976 "(Второе нашествие марсиaн, 1968) Road to Amalthea" (Путь на Амальтею, 1959), are other of his classics. If you are looking for a good science fiction book to entertain yourself in your spare time and reflect on the future, we leave you the 10 most outstanding works of the genre: The dragon riders of Pern is an extensive series of novels and short fantasy stories and science fiction written mainly by Anne McCaffrey.
Since the first novel, The Color of Magic (The Color of Magic) was published in 1983, the series has expanded to generate books and maps related to the Discworld, theatrical and radio adaptations, cartoon series, video games, short stories, music and television adaptations with real characters. Yes it could be something interesting for me to read something about King Arthur from another perspective, but the truth is that I am less interested than other books, stories, chronicles and / or sagas, because what I like to read is to go imagining and immerse myself in each new world through the descriptions of the author of each new story that I know nothing about and I don't stop until I read everything, fall asleep until I finally complete the whole saga even for what in my list of reading priorities would end up I would even prefer to wait for the last book of a saga that I have not yet completed to read, well that in summary would be interesting to read but to a much lesser degree than chronic sagas from which nothing is just the description of the book's antechamber already after reviews, etc.
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